Friday, November 11, 2005

Skin, skincare and you

When ever one thought of writing on skin care, he or she will be reminded that tons of write-ups are already available. Then what is driving me to attempting the same old topic? I have always held that knowledge is something like a flowing river that refreshes herself every year. Well, so much to the introduction.So where do I start from? Do I start from face and hands, that show prominantly and just concentrate there? Or should I just limit myself to writing on facial skin? To say the least, I donot want to have limitations of this kind. Agreed skin is your prominant body organ that you can flaunt for glamor or hiding or showing your age. More over there are my readers who want to post a comment or a question in reply to my blog or some times related to their skin ailment. So, it is all about skin care here. Skincare, circling around healthcare and how you can get that beautiful skin that looks very young and all that.Well, I am choosing such remedies that are available in every one's homes and still effective. Such remedies not just save you money some times, but you are sure there are no side effects. Home remedy for skincare is not some thing new. But it is only coming to the fore offlate. So, here is an invitation to my readers to share their ideas on skincare and home remedy. They can also share with other readers, some of the remedies that they have tried and are happy with. But when you are sending contributions please ensure such recipies are easy to make and use and ingradients are available in groceries. The reason is - a proven thing that you want to share must be easily followable. At the same time it should be generally appilicable. You know a home remedy is popular in your region or with aquaintances, these are proven ones.This will not just be limited to skincare remedies or making a lotion at home. There will be postings on my interactions with skincare experts, their experiences, recommendations and social events or family get togethers where you probably discuss your problems amongst other things. This is your most inner circle and you talk your heart out here. You share griefs and joys, problems and solutions and all. So we will have postings on these too.Well. I think I made my vision fairly clear and set the rule for posting comments too. Broadly speaking the idea is to share possitive aspects of skincare and not use the spot for abusive purposes. Meet Rajagopal at:


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